NSCA Personal Trainer Exam Prep - Question List

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1. What is the correct order of structures of a muscle from smallest to largest?
  1. Muscle fiber, endomysium, fascicles, perimysium, epimysium
  2. Muscle fiber, epimysium, fascicles, perimysium, endomysium
  3. Muscle fiber, endomysium, perimysium, fascicles, epimysium
  4. Muscle fiber, epimysium, endomysium, fascicles, perimysium
2. What part within the muscle fiber stores glycogen and myoglobin and is made up of lipids, enzymes and various types of cellular organelles?
  1. Sarcolemma
  2. Sarcoplasm
  3. Transverse tubules
  4. Myofibrils
3. What is the function of calcium in the muscle stimulation process?
  1. Provides the action potential
  2. Binds with troponin to open up binding sites
  3. Binds to actin filaments’ binding sites
  4. Conducts the electrical impulse along the myofibril
4. What controls the process of changing membrane potential in the nerve cell membrane by allowing sodium ions to rush into the cell?
  1. Depolarization
  2. Hyperpolarization
  3. Sodium-potassium pump
  4. Saltatory conduction
5. What relays information to the central nervous system about changes in the body and limbs’ positions due to muscular motions?
  1. Proprioceptors
  2. Nerve cells
  3. Muscle spindles
  4. Motor endplates

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