AP Biology Practice Questions - Question List

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A particular food chain consists of squirrels, which feed on vegetation, weasels, which feed on squirrels, and hawks, which feed on weasels and squirrels. Rank the animals from least to most numerous in this particular environment.

  1. Hawks, squirrels, weasels
  2. Squirrels, weasels, hawks
  3. Weasels, hawks, squirrels
  4. Hawks, weasels, squirrels
  5. Squirrels, hawks, weasels
12. In plants, the function of the stamen is to __________.
  1. Receive gametes
  2. Spread pollen
  3. Emit spores
  4. Photosynthesize
  5. Spread pheromones
13. In a community, which of the following are defined by an animal’s niche EXCEPT:
  1. Place in the food chain
  2. habitat
  3. How it reproduces
  4. Life history
  5. None of the above
14. The Krebs’ cycle produces how many molecules of ATP for every molecule of glucose?
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
15. What is the function of the myelin sheath that surrounds neurons?
  1. Increase speed of impulses
  2. Maintain polarization
  3. Decrease friction
  4. Control growth of neurons
  5. Oxygen exchange

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