AP US History Exam Prep - Question List

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26. Over what did the Democratic Party split into two parts in 1860?
  1. California being admitted to the Union as a free state
  2. The building of the railroads across the continent
  3. Passing of national slave codes, which urged all states to have slavery
  4. The creation of the Second Bank of the United States
27. Which of the following did Lincoln’s 10 Percent Plan include?
  1. Voting rights to at least 10 percent of the former slave population
  2. A plan to readmit former Confederate states to the Union
  3. Laws to punish former Confederate leaders
  4. Creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau
28. What led to President Andrew Johnson’s impeachment?
  1. “Waving the Bloody Shirt”
  2. His unruly tactics during his election campaign in 1866
  3. Johnson refused to adhere to the Tenure of Office Act
  4. John pardoned too many former leaders of the Confederate army
29. How did John D. Rockefeller create his immense fortune?
  1. Horizontal integration
  2. Vertical integration
  3. Building railroads
  4. Discovering gold in the West

What Revolutionary War Battle was fought in New York City?

  1. Battle of Manhattan
  2. Battle of Brooklyn or Battle of Long Island
  3. Battle of New York
  4. Hunger Games

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