CLEP American Government Exam Prep - Question List

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21. Which of the following is not part of the “iron triangle” that captures bureaucracies?
  1. Dissident political groups
  2. Public officials
  3. Congressional committee members
  4. Bureaucracies
  5. Interest groups
22. A political party’s primary purpose in the US is to:
  1. Inform the electorate about important issues.
  2. Run candidates for political office.
  3. Organize politicians to act as cohesive units.
  4. Provide jobs for people once their candidate is elected.
  5. Provide contrasting issue positions than the government.
23. What is an amicus curiae brief?
  1. A legal viewpoint filed in court by someone who is not a party in a case.
  2. An abbreviated version of a Supreme Court decision that is delivered to the media.
  3. A special bag for lawyers in which they carry legal documents.
  4. The Solicitor General’s argument before the Supreme Court.
  5. The friendly banter that takes place before judicial proceedings begin.
24. Which of the following is a feature of the No Child Left Behind Act?
  1. Mandated property tax maximums
  2. Annual testing to measure progress
  3. Stronger support for teachers unions
  4. Federal takeover of locally-controlled schools
  5. Mandated longer school days
25. In the United States, when it is said that “all people are equal in the eyes of the government,” that generally means:
  1. All citizens have political equality through the ability to cast a vote.
  2. All citizens earn the same income.
  3. All citizens have the same educational opportunities and the same chance to succeed in life.
  4. All citizens participate equally in government.
  5. There are no social classes, so all citizens are treated the same.

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