CLEP Intro to Educational Psychology Exam Prep - Question List

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21. Doree is a baby who explores by crawling and pulling up on objects. When she finds something new, she tries to place it in her mouth. According to Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental stages, Doree is in which stage?
  1. Sensorimotor
  2. Preoperational
  3. Concrete operational
  4. Formal operational
22. Skinner believed that language begins with babbling and that infants accidentally make sounds that are similar to words. When the parents hear these sounds, they reinforce the babbling with praise. If the parents only reinforce grammatical utterances, proper grammar is increased. Which theory of language development does this describe?
  1. Behaviorist view
  2. Nativist view
  3. Constructivist view
  4. Lifespan development
23. Alex is 16 months old. When his father drops him off at daycare, he cries for several minutes. Which attachment behavior does this describe?
  1. Stranger anxiety
  2. Separation anxiety
  3. Social referencing
  4. Affect dysregulation
24. Jim is 15 months old. He often seems dazed, confused or unhappy. His behavior is often contradictory, for example, walking towards his mother while looking away. Which type of attachment does this describe?
  1. Secure attachment
  2. Detached/avoidant insecure attachment
  3. Resistant/ambivalent insecure attachment
  4. Disorganized/disoriented attachment
25. Carl is 80 years old. He plays bingo on Tuesday mornings, plays poker with his friend occasionally, and visits his daughter and her family on Sunday evenings. What component of successful aging does this describe?
  1. Health
  2. Mental activity
  3. Social engagement
  4. Productivity
  5. Life satisfaction

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