CLEP Intro to Educational Psychology Exam Prep - Question List

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31. Karen has a degree in botany. She loves plants and lives on a big property so she can keep animals, too. She prefers herbal remedies to Western medications. According to Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, which intelligence does this describe?
  1. Spatial
  2. Auditory-musical
  3. Linguistic
  4. Naturalist
32. Mrs. Kelley teaches 5th grade at a public school. She has students at several levels of reading ability. To make sure each student is appropriately challenged, she divides her class into three reading groups every Tuesday. Each group has a different book and related assignments based on their reading level. What is this called?
  1. Ability grouping
  2. Ability tracking
  3. Gifted education
  4. Remedial education
33. Oliver is 10 years old. His vision is very poor. Even with glasses, his vision is 20/200. Oliver can only read using special, large print books. He will probably never drive or play sports that require vision. What type of physical disability does this describe?
  1. Visual disability
  2. Autism
  3. Hearing disability
  4. Emotional and behavioral disorders
34. Laura is the first in her family to attend college. She comes from a poor family in a bad neighborhood, where most teens and young adults never attend college. Still, she has a strong sense that she has what it takes to succeed. What term best describes Laura’s view of attending college?
  1. Attribution theory
  2. Expectancy-value theory
  3. Extrinsic motivation
  4. Self-efficacy
35. During a famous experiment, three groups of dogs were observed. The first group of dogs was placed in harnesses while the second group of dogs was fitted with shock collars and all were placed in boxes with a foot-operated switch. These dogs could stop a series of painful shocks at any time by pressing the switch. The third group of dogs was also fitted with shock collars and placed in boxes with a foot-operated switch, but the switches did not work and the dogs had no control over the duration or intensity of each electric shock. Eventually, the dogs in the third group stopped pressing the switch. These dogs became passive and depressed. What theory explains the behavior of the dogs in the third group?
  1. Attribution theory
  2. Expectancy-value theory
  3. Extrinsic motivation
  4. Learned helplessness

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