GED Exam Prep: Science - Question List

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16. Which of the following affects natural selection?
  1. Changes to the environment
  2. A small gene pool
  3. Antibiotics
  4. All of the above
17. Which of the following lists the correct order of the earth’s structure, starting from the inside of the earth and working its way out?
  1. Crust, mantle, inner core, outer core
  2. Mantle, crust, inner core, outer core
  3. Inner core, mantle, crust, outer core
  4. Inner core, outer core, mantle, crust
18. Which two gasses are most abundant in the earth’s atmosphere?
  1. Nitrogen and oxygen
  2. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide
  3. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
  4. Oxygen and hydrogen
19. The effect of wind on ocean surfaces can create which of the following?
  1. Erosion
  2. Threat to sea life
  3. Waves
  4. Hurricanes
20. Which of the following is a result of babies born with an abnormal chromosome count?
  1. They have no chance of surviving.
  2. They tend to be more intelligent.
  3. They are the same as babies with the normal amount of chromosomes.
  4. They could have Down syndrome.

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